Wednesday 2 November 2011

13P1-01 Rough Cut Feedback

To give feedback I will review the different elements in the video; Editing, Mise-en-scene, Camera work, Sound. I will also review how the genre elements have been used and portrayed throughout the rough cut video and give advice on areas that could be improved.

- Editing

The video has used a good amount of jump cuts that give good continuity.
There appears to be a black frame(s) on the third cut where the clips haven't been connected up properly in the editing leaving an area with no content, maybe this could be changed and the clips synced properly?
The lip syncing looks good.

- Mise-en-scene

There seems to be a story behind the video. Due to the video being unfinished this story isn't possible to follow so the meaning of the video isn't put across making the video appear random.
The character seems to change three times and they don't appear to be linked to each other, maybe this could be improved so that the viewer can understand these characters and what they are trying to achieve?
It seems as though there is some kind of colour correction that has been used in the clip but this might have been the weather, maybe this could be incorporated to help with the meaning of the video.

- Camera work

- Sound

- Genre elements

- Improvement suggestions

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