Friday 23 September 2011

Mise-en-Scene Ideas

The mise-en-scene will be a very important part of our music video, all the aspects of it will be carefully thought out in order to achieve the overall effect we are aiming for. Mise-en-scene breaks down into a number of different areas;

For the effect of two parallel stories to work correctly the lighting will have to be perfect and very closing matched in order for the clips to cut together smoothly and give the video a clean look. In order to achieve good balanced and consistant lighting we are going to have to think carefully about camera set up and the way we use the avaible light, eg making the most of the natural light and not using to much artifical lighting that gives harsh unpredicable shadows.

The costumes of the different characters will have a large part to do with how people understand the messages we are trying to put across. The customs have to be in keeping with the genre of the music as well as keeping within what is happening on screen. As we will be running parallel stories plus some performance there will be loads of different costumes that will feature in the video.
- The band during the performance will be wearing smart cloths (possibly white suits?) that either match or look very similar to each other. This will show that that the group is a band and is performin the song rather then just other characters within the story line.
- When 'Emily' is at her family party she will be wearing simple understated clothes that show she is confortable within her surroundings. The actor could wear some normal jeans and a plain top that covers her up well, this shows that she isnt trying to impress anyone or make an impression.
- When 'Emily' is going out with her friends she will be the complete opposite to the family party, she will be wearing a very striking outfit that is more revealing and shows that she wants to impress someone and wants to get noticed by people. This shows the rebellious side to the character and fits in with the story line well.

The acting will be another important part within the music video, by having two storys that completely contrast eachother the acting will have to be believable and well done otherwise it will hard to follow. When 'Emily' is at the family party she will seem quite resevered and quite, showing that she isnt having the best of times. However when she is out with her friends she will seem to act like a rebel showing that she doesnt care very much and just wants to have a good time. During the perforance parts the band will be lip syncing the lyrics and pretending to perform the song to the camera, this is easier to achieve but has to be done well otherwise it will look faked during the editing process.

The locations have to be in keeping with the genre and whats happening within the music video its self. We want to make the sets believable and natural looking so the whole video looks as professional as possible. The lighting will have a big part to play in how the sets look so it is a key area that will have to be thought about carefully.

This blog was created by Toby Moffat, Graeme Beck, Andrew Thomson and George Tibbett. 

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