Friday 30 September 2011

Amar and Arron's Talk

Points that were made:

* New concept
By staying away from stereotypical ideas in order to make the video interesting and unique to the view.

* Perfect planning
There is a lot of things to look at before filming, its very important to ensure that every little aspect is planned out and thought through before shooting the video. This will reduce any delays, and make the filming process go smoothly without trouble.

* Good twist
 By having a twist to the storyline this makes the music video unpredictable and therefore much more exciting to watch. The most popular music videos are the slightly more unusual ones.

* Clever lip syncs
One of the most important aspects is to make sure that the lip syncing is perfectly in time, it cant be
cheesey and has to be believable while watching the video.

* 3-4 locations
By having different locations this makes the video tell a story and flow well, this also helps to how an interest in what is happening on screen and keeps it from getting boring.

* Visually engaging
By having a wide variety of different camera shots and angles mixes it up and makes it interesting and engaging to the audience.

* First 30 seconds needs to be exiting
You need to catch the attention of the audience from the start of the song, its no good building up to a big ending if the viewer has already turned the video off because it was boring.  It important to make sure that the audience will be interested from the start.

* Blocking out
Using a location, which can be re-arranged into a different set.

* Pre plan everything
 Ensure that everything is sorted, so that time is not wasted on little things during the filming, you want to get to location set up and start recording and no trying to sort out problems.

* Make sure that you look at the location thoroughly before filming
 Ensure that you get to know the area well, waste as little time finding things such as the best camera angles etc. 

* Film more than you need
If enough time, film more in which you could add, or perfect.

This blog was created by Toby Moffat, Graeme Beck, Andrew Thomson and George Tibbett.

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