Friday 7 October 2011

Peer Blog Assessment

Group 13P1-01

Some really good blogs, involving Influencial videos, ideas, test shots, location recce, planning of story, characters, costumes and so on. There is already a lot of good planning, which will help them through the filming/editing stages and time will not be wasted. All of the blogs are of good length and reasonably easy to understand and look back on. They have shared lots of examples of other music videos, so that anyone who reads the blog can understand their planning and ideas in a visual context and what they want it to look like. They have used a storyboard animated GIF which I think is pretty useful and visual. They have included an auteur study with examples and explaining the conventions of the music video. Test shots are shown on their blog which is good to show their style of filming they are going to create with. Location ideas are also shown, although no explanation on what their going to make out of the location and what they're hoping to achieve with the location. The blog so far seems to be good, perhaps just a few more explanations on pictures and videos shown.

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